Thursday, February 28, 2008

Australia 2020 Submission by Dr Gideon Polya

The following IDEAS (500 words maximum on each of 10 topics) were formally submitted to the Australia 2020 Summit process by Dr Gideon Polya on Thursday 28 February 2008. For detailed and DOCUMENTED discussion of related matters see earlier postings on this blog.

TOPIC 1: Future Directions for the Australian Economy - Education, skills, training, innovation and productivity

1. High quality, maximum access, minimum cost, de-regulated Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) (involving detailed electronic provision of lecture notes, syllabus, teaching materials etc) can deliver teaching and learning off campus equivalent to that being delivered on-campus.
2. Professionally active retired academic teachers and researchers as well as industry graduate professionals are a valuable teaching resource.
3. Student “unions” and student services wrecked by the neo-con Bush-ite Coalition Government should be urgently restored.
4. The career path for outstanding young Australian academic scientists should be improved – it is very tough in terms of uncertainty and low remuneration in comparison with young people going into law and commerce.
5. Fund universities – stop the “dollar driven” rather than quality- and excellence-driven academic decision-making.
6. Student HECS fees should be abolished – tertiary education should be FREE.
7. A minimal Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) scenario would be simple Federal or State Government fiat ordering their academics to formally examine students on courses provided free from 63-Nobel-Laureate US MIT.
8. At the very least an efficient crash course on higher education teaching should be given to all tertiary level teachers.
9. Active encouragement should be given to parental and family participation in child education from a very early stage.
10. Urgently correct socio-economic status-determined educational resources in State education on a needs basis.
11. Accredited Remote Learning (ARL), with parent, aide and other participation in equitable, high technology, de-regulated, intelligently-streamed, disabled- and disadvantaged–responsive, competency-assessing and accrediting secondary education.
12. NO taxpayer funding of false, dangerous and anti-social instruction of children (e.g. teaching of Creationism, Intelligent Design, Biblical Literalism, anti-safe-sex instruction, homophobia, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, and historical lies of omission amounting to racist holocaust-denial).
13. Greatly improved basic public understanding about science and scientific method – the spin-based and climate sceptic Bush-ite Coalition era must NEVER be repeated.
14. A major public education campaign is needed on the major nuclear, greenhouse and poverty threats facing humanity, the Climate Emergency facing Australia and the World and the need for Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency requiring NEGATIVE CO2 emissions to bring atmospheric CO2 back to a safe and sustainable 300-350 ppm as recommended by outstanding US climate scientist Dr James Hansen of NASA..
15. There should be greatly increased funding for pure research – Australian pure science researchers have been struggling for 2 decades.
16. Political interference through non-expert, political cancelling of Australian Research Council grant awards should be immediately stopped.
17. There must be urgent implementation of scientific rational risk management principles in society successively involving (a) data, (b) science (critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) and (c) systemic change (current Bush-ite converse: lies, spin and counterproductive “blame and shame” ).

TOPIC 2: Economic Infrastructure, the digital economy and the future of our cities

1. Climate emergency and peak oil means renewables, electric vehicles, hydrogen vehicles, expanded public rail transport, and cessation of fossil fuel burning and highway building.
2. Just as we now have legislated mandatory efficient ENERGY USAGE (e.g. with long life energy-saving lights) so we need mandated efficient ENERGY PROVISION.
3. Building highways and fossil fuel power stations should stop – but sensible rail systems should expand in concert with intelligent re-design of our cities.
4. Urgent need for the expert estimation of the “true cost” of major economic components such as coal-fired power stations and cars .
5. There is an urgent need for the expert estimation of the “true value” of public assets .
6. Save wild nature - sustainable use of wild nature is economically compelling (Balmford et al).
7. Continued economic growth with NEGATIVE CO2 emissions means sole renewable energy use, re-foresting and restoring carbon to the soil.
8. In relation to the “true cost” of coal-fired electricity ALL renewables (including the latest photovoltaic technologies) are cheaper – and accordingly there must be massive investment in renewable energy.
9. Atmospheric CO2 must be kept to below 450 ppm in order to save the 63,000 jobs and $7 billion pa from the Great Barrier Reef.
10. The urgent need for a Declaration of Climate Emergency, Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency would have a transformative role in relation to economic infrastructure.
11. Change to “needs” rather than “desires” in our economy .
12. Economic efficiency must be the goal rather than economic expansion per se .
13. Implementation of Concentrated Urban goals should mean a more concentrated and efficient economic infrastructure.
14. There will be hugely expensive re-positioning of economic infrastructure unless the World declares a state of climate emergency.
15. There will necessarily be major changes to our economic infrastructure when Australia declares a Climate State of Emergency.
16. Massive changes to water-related infrastructure are urgently needed.
17. Internet speed is woeful in Australia and should be urgently brought up to North American standards.
18. Reject a 2-tier, rich versus poor Internet access.
19. US spying via the Echelon system and through inbuilt PC systems should be urgently addressed.
20. Government-independent, public access, ABC-style daily newspaper/magazine.
21. Taxpayer-funded blogging and public access commentary to maximize citizen participation in Australian democracy; National Web-based newspaper is urgently needed – Mainstream media are criminally woeful.
22. The Internet can be intelligently used to save hundreds of millions of dollars spent on Government health, security, electoral and other advertising.
23. Radical redesign for more concentrated urban living for transport, convenience, socialization and environmental and agricultural impact reasons.
24. Huge losses in our coastal cities unless the World declares a state of climate emergency .
25. Concentrated Urban renewal models e.g. the traditional circular model or a linear, rapid-transit-linked model.
26. The huge Indigenous and non-Indigenous homelessness in Australia is an outrage and should be addressed immediately.

TOPIC 3: Population, sustainability, climate change and water

1. Australia's population is much too great (as evidenced by the enormous environmental impact and flora and fauna extinctions) – public education and action is urgently needed.
2. Exploit the Indigenous Australian sustainability culture for the benefit of the Land and ALL its People.
3. Water is needed for citizen consumption, agriculture, industry and the environment and there must be a New Deal to meet these needs.
4. Enough is enough – there should be COMPLETE CESSATION of flora and fauna extinction in Australia and that means national and global action to keep atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to about 350 ppm (10% BELOW the current atmospheric CO2 concentration of 385 ppm).
5. Urgent action on CO2 pollution is needed NOW in the light of our arrival already at key “tipping points” for mass extinctions and massive ecosystem destruction (see top US scientist Dr James Hansen)..
6. Stringent duty of care at all government levels is needed to avoid irreversible damage through storm surge and sea level inundation AND to avoid litigation.
7. The 85% fossil-fuel-based electricity production is a disgrace – cost-effective and cost-competitive renewable technologies can and must be implemented NOW .
8. Antarctic sea ice loss, Great Barrier Reef loss, elevated Indian Ocean temperature, intensifying Southern Australian drought and cessation of Southern Ocean absorption of CO2 - must be reversed NOW.
9. Constant rate of increase of Australian CO2 pollution and fossil fuel exports impervious to scientist and IPCC warnings over decades – urgent action is needed NOW.
10. According to top scientists (Dr Hansen, Professor Lovelock FRS) we need “negative CO2 emissions” NOW.
11. Act on Climate Genocide NOW by observing the CAAAA protocol involving Cessation and reversal of CO2 pollution, Acknowledgment of the ongoing crime, Apology, Amends and Assertion “never again to anyone” (Lovelock: over 6 billion will perish this century).
12. Act NOW to avoid looming International Sanctions, Boycotts, Green Tariffs and Reparations Demands over Australia’s Climate Criminal, Climate Genocide policies.
13. “Waiting for Garnaut” should CEASE – an urgent need is for ACTION and public education about the Climate Emergency.
14. Act against irresponsible media reportage re Climate Emergency and Climate Genocide.
15. Australia is the World’s worst developed country for “annual per capita fossil fuel-derived CO2 pollution”.
16. “60% decrease by 2050” actually means that Australia’ s TOTAL annual per capita CO2 pollution will INCREASE over the next 4 decades.
17. Fully renewable energy, comprehensive public transport, demise of the private car, and cessation of urban sprawl and highway building.
18. Use annual $10 billion pa fossil fuel subsidies to build wind farms at $2 per watt for 50 Gigawatt 100% renewable wind energy in 10 years.
19. Stop deforestation both at home (Tasmania, pulp) and abroad.
20. Further extinctions and ecocides are INTOLERABLE and what is left of wild nature must be used sustainably.
21. Australia and the World need an immediate Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency, a State of Emergency to stop run-away climate change.

TOPIC 4: Future directions for rural industries and rural communities

1. Agriculture is vital for security-relevant Australian production of food for Australians – that means conservation of such farming communities but should no longer permit export of scarce water through water-costly rural exports.
2. After 2 centuries of abuse there needs to be a new culture of correct valuation of National land, freshwater and marine resources – they ultimately belong to the Nation and must be used sustainably whether “privately owned” or “leased”.
3. There is need for preservation of a “Henry Lawson” “cultural” dimension of rural communities involved in the historical and continuing, global British Imperialist Australian Aboriginal Genocide– but there is ALSO need to preserve a major, unique, globally-significant Indigenous Australian culture of Sustainability and Respect for Land.
4. Global warming-linked drought is set to increase in the Southern part of Australia and there should be urgent research into the novel, valuable, arid zone crops to grow - my huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds. A pharmacological reference guide to sites of action and biological effects" (Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, London and New York, 2003) is an example of a database (now being exploited by top UK researchers) that can be used to select valuable, novel arid zone crops.
5. Massive changes to water-related infrastructure are urgently needed as Indian Ocean warming forces more drought on Southern Australia through southerly shifts in water-bearing wind patterns .
6. There is urgent need for massive re-afforestation which also means rural re-juvenation through such activity.
7. Major new industries in the outback will be soil carbon sequestration, solar energy capture, wind, wave and geothermal power with a consequent massive restructuring and de novo building of rural communities.
8. Need for a major “black earth” initiative for soil recovery through return of pyrolytically charred biomass as a major mechanism of soil carbon sequestration – plus re-afforestation, de-salinization etc .
9. Long-term views of how we live (Circular Concentrated Urban or Linear models) could mean rapid rail connection of many rural and indeed remote rural communities as an investment for the present and the future.
10. In collaboration with Indigenous Communities there needs to be a new kind of National stewardship of all of Australia – recognition of the sanctity of the Land, flora, fauna, water bodies, air and cultural sites.
11. Duty of care means accepting top, expert climate science advice that we have reached a tipping point ALREADY at 385 ppm carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere (All Arctic summer ice may be gone in several years) and acting urgently as advised by Dr James Hansen of NASA to reduce atmospheric CO2 to a safe and sustainable 300-350 ppm CO2 ASAP i.e. a policy of NEGATIVE CO2 EMISSIONS.

TOPIC 5: A long-term national health strategy

1. Appalling Aboriginal health situation should be addressed immediately and with the same urgency as for round-the-world solo sailors who deliberately place themselves in danger (90,000 Indigenous Australians died avoidably in the 11 years of the Coaltion Government; current Indigenous population 0.5 million).
2. The trend to a more privatized, Americanized system of health care should be resisted – there should be first class health care for all Australians whether rich, poor, White or Indigenous .
3. Many ethically, expertly and professionally applied flexible options can decrease the costs, increase accessibility and throughput of the health system.
4. Deregulation of universities and Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) could increase the number of people doing theory-only parts of medical, paramedical and medical science degree courses.
5. Deregulation of universities and technological innovations to assist teaching and learning should enable major expansion of medical and paramedical student numbers in the theory only parts of such courses.
6. Students with tertiary entrance scores of 95% are presently blocked from studying studying medicine, dentistry or physiotherapy but should be enabled (e.g. by ARL and innovative "practical" teaching) to do such courses.
7. No Australians should have to wait in pain for months before treatment readily available to people with private medical and dental insurance.
8. On consulting an excellent GP, immediate concerns were the urgency of addressing Aboriginal health and of discouraging smoking .
9. There should be greater support for hospital risk management and related “training” systems for reducing avoidable deaths in hospitals.
10. About 72% of all deaths in people below the age of 75 in Australia are considered to be avoidable and the Indigenous rate of deaths from avoidable causes is almost four times the rate for the non-Indigenous population – this should be urgently addressed.
11. Major medical problems in Australia due to obesity, smoking and alcohol – need greater preventive campaigns and free behaviour change assistance for all people at risk.
12. Australia with bi-partisan support is complicit in the US Occupation of Afghanistan that restored the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 5% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007 and hence was linked to 0.6 million global post-2001 opiate drug-related deaths (about 2,000 in Australia).
13. While the “Little Children are Sacred” Report stated that “it is not possible to accurately estimate the extent of child sexual abuse in the Northern Territory” it presented evidence that one third of Australian females experienced childhood sexual abuse – this and related abuses should be urgently addressed Nation-wide.
14. Efficient models for immediately bringing decent primary health care to Indigenous Australian communities can serve as models for general delivery of very efficient primary health care to ALL.
15. Subject to expert and ethical regulation and inspection there are novel uses of the Internet for remote diagnosis, mass screening and for primary diagnosis to increase the efficiency of medical services.

TOPIC 6: Strengthening communities and supporting working families

1. There should be workplace flexibility and humane philosophy to allow and encourage family time.
2. There should be active encouragement of part-time paid or volunteer work for mature, retired people who are keen to continuing to contribute their expertise e.g. I retired from my laboratory and academic teaching several years ago but am extremely active in part-time university practical and theory teaching, other tertiary institutional teaching, giving courses to the University of the Third Age (U3A), researching, writing, painting, cartoons, humanitarian advocacy, climate change activism, making submissions to Government, journalism and publishing.
3. Volunteer work should be promoted and facilitated through increased accessibility of public infrastructure such as educational institution resources.
4. Novel solutions can be found for the mounting mortgage crisis for over-committed families e.g. renting rooms, cooperative food purchases, financial advice and cost-recovery tiding-over emergency assistance .
5. Community participation can be encouraged through use of local school infrastructure for courses, sport, and special interest groups.
6. Off-campus Accredited Remote Learning (ARL), and its on-campus equivalent of the “auditing” (with provision of detailed teaching materials) of university courses, potentially enable maximum access, minimum cost access to top quality teaching and learning in every theory-only lecture course being delivered at our universities for initial education, re-training and life-long learning.
7. Life-long learning, voluntarism and retirement socialization and activism are all promoted by the University of the Third Age (U3A) - this can be assisted by further pro bono publico access to public infrastructure e.g. halls, lecture theatres.
8. The mounting Climate Emergency and Sustainability Emergency has generated Climate Action Groups around the Nation who are trying to save their Children, Grandchildren, Australia and indeed the Planet – they can be assisted, by access to publicly-owned infrastructure.
9. Charitable, bottom-up activism to help the disadvantaged should be supported in various ways such as tax deductibility and access to public resources.
10. Novel ways of assisting and promoting charitable, sporting, humanitarian, life-long learning, volunteer and other community groups e.g. paid time off for volunteer firemen, increased community access to public infrastructure.
11. De-regulation of education should permit sensible, anti-bureaucratic and free accreditation for linguistic, sporting, technical, cultural and other competencies both for children and adults for individual and community benefit.
12. Community togetherness can be encouraged by access to public infrastructure and public education .
13. Street democracy and togetherness can be also encouraged by encouragement of “street meetings”.
14. General e-mail linkage in Australia and community and street e-mail linkage provide powerful mechanisms for non-intrusive community interaction.
15. Public meeting- and e-mail-based community participation provides a new from of community life that gets back to traditional rural and traditional urban Australian values.
16. We and our neighbors have an annual street garden party and this should be popularized nation-wide.

TOPIC 7: Options for the future of Indigenous Australia

1. Indigenous health funding should be urgently doubled as recommended 4 years ago by medical experts to meet peculiar needs and to stop the horrendous Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 excess deaths annually out of 0.5 million).
2. Apology to Indigenous Australians for the Stolen Generations is the first step – re the on-going Aboriginal Genocide there should be a comprehensive Cessation, Acknowledgment, Apology, Amends and Assertion of “Never Again”.
3. Urgent steps should be taken with intimate Indigenous consultation to stop the current irreversible Indigenous ethnocide.
4. Australia should sign the UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights .
5. Australia should urgently rescind the race-specific (i.e. racist) legislative suspension of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act in relation to Northern Territory Indigenous Australians .
6. Overall taxpayer-funded Indigenous Australian employment should be the SAME as for White Australians .
7. All social services (health, education, emergency, welfare, security, legal etc) should be provided to Indigenous Australian communities at the same or indeed greater level as appropriate .
8. Qualitative versus flawed quantitative “market economics” considerations indicate many imaginative options for Indigenous Australian employment in urgently needed areas e.g. primary health care, security, child welfare, education, coastal security, eco-tourism and language, environment and cultural protection.
9. There needs to be a radical change of White Australian attitudes towards an active nurturing and evolution of Indigenous Australian cultures .
10. With Australia and the World facing a Climate Emergency and Sustainability Emergency – with White Australia a major culprit - there is a crucial, major role for Indigenous Australian cultures of environmental sustainability and respect for Nature .
11. Indigenous Australia must be creatively and crucially involved in renewal and restoration of Land and Wild Nature in Australia.
12. The current imperative of the Climate Emergency means that there must be major rural programs for re-afforestation, soil carbon renewal through pyrolytic biomass charcoal addition and soil carbon-enhancing fallow – these should crucially involve Indigenous Communities.
13. General Internet and e-mail connection in Australia should be of enormous value to Indigenous Australians –in terms of communication with Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians and people overseas .
14. Imaginative new social relationships should be built between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian individuals, families, communities and organizations (and facilitated by e-mail connections).
15. Imaginative primary health care arrangements for Indigenous Australians can assist and inform similar initiatives for non-Indigenous Australians.
16. Urgently needed creative initiatives in Aboriginal housing can inform similar initiatives urgently needed for homeless non-Indigenous Australians .
17. Urgently needed educational initiatives for Indigenous child and adult literacy can inform similar initiatives for promoting teaching and learning in presently severely disadvantaged non-Indigenous Australian communities.
18. Restoration of forests and ecosystems after 220 years of European destruction is crucial for Australia and must involve Indigenous Australians.
19. Indigenous Australian adult literacy is a major imperative should be urgently addressed.
20. Addressing Indigenous needs requires a fundamental change of non-Indigenous attitude to Humanity, Nature and to themselves .

TOPIC 8: Towards a creative Australia: the future of the arts, film and design

1. An Australian writer and academic (Tasmanian Oxford Don Peter Conrad) once observed that man needs, food, shelter and also FICTION to interface with a hostile world - at a time when top UK and US climate scientists are demanding not zero CO2 emissions but NEGATIVE CO2 emissions to save our Planet, investment in the arts, film and design is thoroughly warranted.
2. Australian mainstream media, politician and academic ignoring of horrendous excess deaths in Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan and Indigenous Australian communities indicates that Australia and the other Murdochracies are spiritually SICK and require a moral rejuvenation that can come from the Arts rather than from morally-compromised, holocaust-complicit, holocaust-ignoring organized religion.
3. The independence of the ABC should be enhanced through rigorous and critical public inspection of Government-appointed Board members, election of staff representatives, election of public representatives and Web-based Rational Risk Management feedback systems .
4. Rational Risk Management requires mandatory honest reportage. Freedom of speech is vital and defamation laws should be amended because constraints on timely, truthful reportage is a REAL threat to national and societal security and the national interest .
5. Holocaust ignoring and Genocide Ignoring is shamefully entrenched in Australian culture – the Great Australian Silence in the Land of Lies, Slies (spin-based untruths) and Flies - but in the interests of Free Speech and untrammelled scholarly research Australia needs “no penalty genocide-denial criminalization” – the only punishment would be the public humiliation of the judicially proven holocaust denial.
6. Greater use of school and university infrastructure for community Arts activities and for displaying community Art.
7. Television (especially pap TV) is dumbing down and indeed manipulating and brainwashing both children and adults – there needs to be better children’s TV, better TV in general, promotion of books and reading and public education on this very serious matter (e.g. see Al Gore's "The Assault on Reason").
8. Greater appreciation of Quality, Truth and Beauty (man-made and natural) in a post-Bush-ite Coalition society ( Thus John Keats:
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. ) 9. Encouragement of greater actual formal social and educational recognition of competencies.
10. There should be much greater financial support for critical, iconic cultural assets (museums, art galleries, orchestras, ballet, theatre, Indigenous culture).
11. Around the country there are thousands of dedicated artists whose work could - with some public imagination - enrich our public life pro bono publico. As an example, "words having failed", I paint huge, colourful paintings for Peace, East-West Amity and for Respect for Woman and for Mother and Child - I am exhibiting many of these huge works around the world via the Web e.g. simply "Google" the title words to see "Manhattan Madonna", "Sydney Madonna", "Melbourne Madonna", "Rosanna Madonna", "Jerusalem Madonna", "Alhambra Pollock", "Isfahan Matisse", "Truelove", "Deep Mind", "Scheherazade", "Apocalypse Now", "Bundoora Arabesque" and "Terra" painting.

TOPIC 9: The future of Australian governance: open government (including the role of the media), the structure of government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens

1. Australia’s involvement in the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide and Climate Genocide - see "Body Count" (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007) - is only possible because of Mainstream media, politician and academic LYING and decent taxpayers must demand punitive FEEDBACK from Government e.g. loss of radio licences, TV licences etc.
2. Outstanding Jewish American investor and philanthropist George Soros has called for the “de-Nazification” of Bush America and the same process should be urgently applied to genocide-complicit and genocide-denying Bush-ite and neo-Bush-ite White Australia.
3. Australia urgently needs a Web-based Newspaper equivalent of the ABC that would involve expert academic, industrial and scientist correspondents and with public participation as citizen journalists and for open public commentary.
4. The Academies (such as the Academy of Science and the Academy of Humanities) should involve themselves actively in public policy through Reports by expert sub-committees.
5. As happened in post-Apartheid South Africa, Australia needs a Truth Commission to enable exposure and reconciliation with the guilty who would have immunity from prosecution and indeed would only be punished if they refused to cooperate and tell the truth.
6. As recommended by Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter there should be war crimes trials for Australian and other US Alliance politicians and officials involved in the Iraqi Genocide (1.5-2 million post-invasion excess deaths) and the Afghan Genocide (3-6 million post-invasion excess deaths).
7. Public access question time – a Government-independent but State-sponsored interactive Web-site in which questions can be asked of public officials and the replies posted.
8. We require a dramatic increase in free speech in the public interest through softening of the defamation laws and the removal of corporate “SLAPP writs” against free speech.
9. A Bill of Rights is urgently needed in this country especially re basic liberties, racism, free speech.
10. Rational Risk Management in our dangerous world crucially requires information and effective free speech – commercial in confidence in relation to taxpayer-funded projects, 30 year confidentiality rules for Government and other information-denying mechanisms need to be circumscribed.
11. There must be much greater respect for Scientists, Scientific Institutions and bodies and eminent and collective scientific opinion and scholars in Australia .
12. The idea of a Republic is supported by most Australians – however a Republic Declaration should not enable us to escape our continuing remorseless association with past and continuing British atrocities.
13. Australia should support a Global Parliament as suggested by Professor George Monbiot and involving per capita representation; it should also support India (1.1 billion people) being a major member of the UN Security Council.
14. There should be a respected, Government-funded but Government-independent body which can make informed, expert public pronouncement on major public falsehoods and related misdeeds.
15. There should be a public mechanism independent of Government and the lying, racist Mainstream media to ask questions of the “how much” and “how many kind”.

TOPIC 10: Australia's future in the region and the world

1. Security comes from being NICE to people and doing business with them – Australia should cease diplomatic, legislative and military support for UK, US and Israeli state terrorism (Indigenous excess deaths in post-1950 US Asian wars now total 24 million).
2. The racism, xenophobia, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Australia should be reversed by public policy and education.
3. As with post-1945 Germany, Australia should adopt a CAAAA (C4A) protocol in relation to its nearly 60 years in post-1950 US Asian wars – Cessation of the killing, Acknowledgment of the crimes, Apology, Amends and Assertion “never again to anyone”.
4. Mandatory societal Rational Risk Management requiring (a) unfettered information , (b) science and (c) rational systemic change to minimize risk.
5. Deregulation of education, Accredited Remote Learning, competency assessments, off-campus skilling, participation of parents, professionals and retired teachers, community involvement, industry-involvement, Rational Risk management-enhanced systemic improvement, free speech, Web-empowerment, free top quality education at all levels.
6. Indigenous Australians must be given a “fair go” and recognized as a crucial cultural resource component in Australia addressing the Climate Emergency and Sustainability Emergency.
7. Stop fossil fuel-derived CO2 pollution and rapidly become a world leader in exploitation of solar energy through concentrated solar, photovoltaics, wind power and wave power.
8. Rescind draconian human rights-abusing legislation and have a Bill of Rights.
9. The greatest terrorism threat to Australia comes from Bush-ite US and Racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel (25,000 Australian citizens bombed and shelled in Lebanon in 2006) – policies of collaboration must be REVERSED.
10. Terminate the American Alliance in the light of the US Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide, Climate Genocide and horrendous post-war crimes in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
11. The major acute threats to Australia and to the world are nuclear, greenhouse and poverty threats - with the US the major perpetrator.
12. Public discussion in Australia must be urgently concerned with “how much” and “how many” in relation to key areas of national integrity.
13. A general scientific Rational Risk Management culture is vital for the future security and prosperity of Australia.
14. Analysis of global avoidable mortality reveals the major causes as violence, deprivation, disease and LYING – need zero tolerance for racism, violence and lying.
15. Need open access, ethical, non-racist, humanitarian, ABC-style alternative to the generally racist, lying, holocaust ignoring Mainstream media.
16. An Australian Truth Commission is vital with immunity from prosecution for people revealing the Truth with Remorse.
17. Zero tolerance for racism and also for public lying since it is racist lying by commission and omission that permit such atrocities and history ignored yields history repeated .
18. Current Australian culture of genocide commission, genocide denial, holocaust commission and holocaust denial, indicates urgent need NOW for no-penalty genocide denial criminalization.
19. URGENT - a Global Declaration of a Climate State of Emergency to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to a safe and sustainable level of 300-350 ppm.

1 comment:

M Sena said...

Dear friend,

I like so much australian culture. I have a drean to visit there. Bay the way how about the developing of islam religion at there? Is islam call violence religion ? If do you want to know about islam in true visit my blog :
